The endless traveling. Zuni decides to meditate and is teaching Tilda how to. And John well he is just plane bored.
Central Park. Right after one BIG melt down happened and we almost went opposite directions. I was just relieved to be in some nature and shade.
Since we didn't get to see the real one :0)
Jackson and Tilda.
Our Pile o' Bags. 10 bags and 2 bags each of carry-on (I might have had an extra bag of food and stuff;) Right before we checked in the lady said we had too much in every bag, so like any other asian family we just opened all our bags and re-packed on the spot. Until I got it down to 2 over weight bags at which point I begged and tried to explain that we weren't just traveling for fun but that this was our entire life from now on. I think more than mercy she wanted me out of the line but for whatever reason she allowed for bag 11 and 12 to be added in form of those weird plastic bags (you see the Asian and Indian families often come of the plane with) Free of Charge!!!!
And off we went.
Arrived in Sweden soooooo tired.
Trying to stay awake.
Hello I'm in Sweden now.
A lot of relaxing. Hard to do anything useful when the entire country is on vacation, I forgot how the whole country shuts down for the summer months.
I love a baby that sun bathes. :)
Dinner outback at 9 pm. Aww that may be the best.
Raining days are fun when you haven't had any for 12 years.
Since we biked everywhere for at least 4 months. Tilda didn't always get home in time for nap, but that didn't stop her. Now with the Chariot, she can just sleep in peace which may be the most wonderful investment I've ever made.
John Morgan's Birthday Table
And the Cousins. Juni and Tilda. They have become like the twins separated at birth. They love each other and play so well. It's too cute for words.
Next post will have some city evaluations. Stay tuned.
love these pics!!!